Who We Are

BioAfrica are experts in manufacturing of distillation and process equipment from stainless steel and aluminium for rugged African conditions.

The BioAfrica team has over 20 years experience in design, building and commissioning of distillation and extraction of chemical components from plants and any other medium.

We specialize in agricultural, pharmaceutical and industrial units. Together with our experienced workshop of boilermakers, welders and sheet-metal experts, BioAfrica's work is designed and built in-house to ensure all work is produced to the highest German engineering standards.

BioAfrica is based in Heidelberg just outside Johannesburg in South Africa and has manufactured and commissioned Extraction Units worldwide from Estonia and Germany to Algeria, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Swaziland and Lesotho.

BioAfrica produce both steam extraction equipment and solvent extraction equipment in standard sizes as well as custom sizes to suit all needs.

Not ready to buy your own distillation unit? Bioafrica can do your extracting for you. Naturally this is area dependent however Bioafrica offer distillation services as well as the ability to plant and harvest your crops.

Steam Extraction

Large Steam Diatillation Units
Most people wishing to buy their new Steam Extraction equipment often consult engineers or manufactures of steel tanks or boiler makers and steam supply companies. Surely it would be wiser to purchase essential oil extraction equipment from a company like BioAfrica with years of experience and grow their own essential oils in large volumes.

Solvent Extraction

Many herbs and plants contain heavy concrete essential oils that are best extracted using Solvent Extraction rather than Steam Extraction. This requires a different type of extraction equipment. Fortunately BioAfrica have the solution for this with our BioSol Range. The BioSol is specifically designed to distill for all types of heavy concrete essential oils, like calendula, sage, cannabis and rose oils.

Short Path Distillation

short path distillation
Short path distillation is widely used in Pharmaceutical industry, laboratory fractional distillation, purification and refinement of essential oils and CBD oils extraction. It is mainly used for enrichment, crystallization, drying, separation, drug, solvent recycling, bio-pharmaceutical industry. Under vacuum conditions, it is heated at a constant speed to form a large-area thin film on the cylinder wall to increase the evaporation efficiency. Our home use BioSol CBD unit uses this technique for the purest commercially viable heavy concrete oil extraction.

Reconditioned Units and Repairs

Essential Oils
While BioAfrica builds units to last, accidents can happen. If you do happen to drive your tractor into your BioStill we can repair or replace any broken parts. BioAfrica often have reconditioned and second hand units which we don't display on this site so please get in touch for our current list. If you're thinking of upgrading your BioStill to a larger unit we can consider a trade in depending on the condition of your current unit.

Our Range

Essential Oils Still
BioAfrica have a range of tried and tested models of Essential Oil Extraction equipment that have been specifically designed to be able to cope with Africa's challenging conditions. Whether it is a large model for the farm or a compact unit for the home BioAfrica's attention to detail and standards produce only the highest quality and easy to use equipment that is carbon neutral and environmentally friendly.


Essential Oils Extraction
As farmers BioAfrica realise that not all farms are equal and not all standard distillation equipment is suitable for everybody which is why BioAfrica also offer custom distillation equipment manufacturing to make sure you get the right equipment for your specialised needs and particular requirements. Contact us and our friendly and knowledgeable team will discuss your particular requirements for your Essential Oil Extraction needs.

Essential Oils Distillation

Essential Oils
BioAfrica produces essential oils and plant extracts to different markets from perfume to soft drinks. BioAfrica offer these quality oils to buyers and consumers from Chamomile to Yarrow. BioAfrica stringently uses only Carbon Dioxide Neutral extraction and is not reliant on fossil fuels or the electricity grid.